Saturday, April 19, 2008

I am in such an art funk.


I. Can. Not. Draw. Anymore. Can't really paint either, but that was something I was never good at so it's okay. BUT DRAWING. WHUT. I totally need to use this break to catch up on some practice.

FIGHTING, guys! 8D

Lol yeah, self-portraits are good practice :| Kinda, I guess. Except this doesn't even really look like me. *fails*

I need to find my style. I don't have an art style anymore. But maybe I should learn how to draw realistically first, I've always been told that's the way to go. @_@

But anyway. This was done in Corel. I was trying to somehow mix the watercolor and charcoal tools. Ahahaha. u_u And then the pen tool for the outline.

1 comment:

Karulin said...

I like your color palette for this. o_o Keep it up~